
App & Web Developer, Freelancer, Designer


I'm an Independent App developer for clients in need for their own work and new Start ups.

Over 7 years experience, freelancing for about 3. Made Apps that ranked 1° in +100 countries. Supported Start up now valuated millions. ​Helped people create their own vision.

Hi i'm Gianluca, i am just 23 years old, i live in Italy, i love working and self-improve my self every day by: reading books, try new things, test my limits and listen to podcast about my work or life experiences.

Flutter Developer

I Develop Apps for All platforms, from iOS to Andoird, Web, Windows and more... with a great Design!

iOS Developer

I Develop Apps for All Apple platforms, from iOS to watches and Mac!

Android Developer

I Develop Apps for All Android devices, with a great Design

Full Stack Developer

I create Web Sites from scratch, personalizzed for client's needs, with a great Front & Back end

Grapich Design

I created amazing design that ranked Top charts in over 31 countries!

Bug Fix & Upgrades

I will fing the bug and take it down. Give me your project and i will add your new ideas.

Software Development

You need a custom Software? Let's talk!

Graphic School

  • Studied the ability to work on UI & UX, which is a massive skill to have while i'm working on apps that reach 1st rank on app stores

  • Having done two years of high school in a Graphic institute, gave me the basis to then face the programming courses and make the most of design.

Computer Science

  • ITIS VICO - Varese, 07/2019

  • Degree in Computer Science 86/100

  • It is the general path, characterized mainly by the study of Computer and Software disciplines, such as Web, Mobile and foreign languages. The profile provides the student with skills in the computer field.

iOS Developer

  • Certificazione iOS Developer Apple

  • Swift srl - Milano, 01/2016

  • Corso di formazione in iOS development

  • Linguaggi: Swift, Objective-C

  • Realizzazione Apps per dispositivi Apple, tramite linguaggi elencati, usufruendo di Database e librerie esterne. (portfolio)

Full Stack Web Developer

  • London App Brewery - Londra, 2021

  • Corso di formazione in Full Stack Developer

  • Linguaggi utilizzati: Html, Css, Bootstrap, Javascript, Api rest, Git, Unix, JQuery, Angular JS, MySql, MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Mongoose, React.JS

Flutter & iOS Developer

  • Freelancer - Casorate Sempione, VA (2016 - oggi)

  • Realizzazione Applicazioni Mobile per clienti, iOS & Android (Swift, Flutter)

  • Realizzazione Web per clienti, creazione Back end e Front end

  • Elevata autonomia operativa ottenuta grazie a un'efficiente organizzazione e un’effettiva comprensione del proprio ruolo nel rispetto di scadenze e requisiti quantitativi e qualitativi richiesti.

Web & iOS Developer

  • Polimedica - Studio medico, Coldrerio CH (2020 - 2021)

  • Realizzazione App personalizzata per piattaforme iOS & Android per uso interno della struttura, per appuntamenti, gestione personale e work-flow.

  • Creazione, manutenzione e verifica dettagliata di siti web, portali e web applications per poter garantire un ottimo livello di qualità delle prestazioni in base ai principi SEO

My Portfolio